Internal Training Program (ToT) for employees of Samsung Thai Nguyen in January 2021


As part of a tradition at the beginning of the year, CFC Vietnam conducted the Samsung Vietnam Internal Training Program in Thai Nguyen, which took place in four days from January 12-15, 2021. The training course had the participation of 30 internal trainers covering prevention of cervical cancer, prevention of breast cancer, and essential skills for parents.

In addition, more than 200 factory workers had the opportunity to discuss parenting skills, especially identifying mistakes in the parenting process. The program has received the enthusiastic support of lecturers and workers at Samsung Thai Nguyen. There have been many emotions and many tears when sharing the changes in applying the knowledge in the training course. This is really a great source of encouragement for the teaching staff of CFC Vietnam, as they continue to improve the quality of training in the field of public health. This is becoming an increasing priority in the development of both individuals and communities.

The program ended with very interesting and eye-catching ‘home-grown’ performances with a lot of creativity, enthusiasm, and energy. Through practical policies useful to employees, CFC Vietnam believes that Samsung Vietnam will always trend in the direction of economic development that harmonizes with all aspects of life and brings long-term benefits to the community.