Technology should be considered an important part of teacher training


[VOV2]- “Teacher training seems to mainly meet the requirements of teachers today, and problems for tomorrow are left unexplored” – Dr. Tôn Quang Cường.

The application of technology in teaching is an inevitable trend both in Vietnam and the world. However, Dr. Ton Quang Cuong, Dean of the Faculty of Education Technology, University of Education at Hanoi National University, said that especially in teacher training, we are currently lacking theoretical research. Such research would help us prepare the necessary skills to adapt to digital transformations in education. Since there is no human resource to take the lead, teachers themselves need to change their awareness of daily changes and their ability to respond to drastic changes in technology.

In the long run, the solution lies in teacher training. In parallel with the professional training mission as before, the pedagogical training units need to research new solutions in educational technology and integrate it into the training program to support students with opportunities to approach, practice, experience, and even innovate in teaching. Another direction, according to Dr. Ton Quang Cuong, is that teacher training institutions can update technology by building relationships with research, application, and development forces in this field.

Taking the example of the technology in “Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,” Dr. Ton Quang Cuong believes that this technology will be one of the outstanding trends of world education in the coming years, and that this technology will dominate for a prolonged period of time. The University of Education is receiving support from the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in terms of equipment and virtual reality/augmented reality technology training for teachers and students. Listen to the content shared by Dr. Ton Quang Cuong right below: